The pension for the
self employed

Penfold is for you whether you’re
self employed,
work in an office,
or run your own business.

Set it up in just 5 minutes!

Pension Target Tracker

I agree to Penfold’s privacy policy.

Plan builder

Designed to
adapt and evolve.

Penfold is build to last, so your plan is flexible
by design. We’ll help you get started, defining
goals that are perfectly attuned to you and
your financial situation.

You can increase, decrease and even pause
your contribution at any time — no pressure.
Penfold adapts to you, not the other way around.


made easy.

Achieving financial freedom is within everyone’s reach. Part of getting there is simply understanding what’s at your disposal and how to use it to your advantage.

We’ll show you how pensions work, why they can’t wait,
and help you decide your next move.

And no jargon, because jargon sucks.


You work,
your money


There’s very little upside to having your money sit and wait.
Ever seen money sitting and waiting? It’s terribly uncompelling.

We’ve partnered with some of the world’s largest asset managers
to ensure your pension is properly handled and invested all
around the world — that’s your money at work.

The bad news

You may already be losing up to £228.95 daily by not having a pension set up. An oddly specific number, we know.

That would be £228.95 lost yesterday, and technically £228.95 already lost today. Keep it up, and that’s another £228.95 tomorrow.

By the end of this week, it’ll look like

The good news

We’ve made it remarkably simple to take care of that!

£228.95 is based on the following assumptions: a 21 year old making £29,009 a year (UK combined average for 2019) saving 12.5% tax free into their pension, growing at 7% until retirement age. These returns are not guaranteed.

I agree to Penfold’s privacy policy.

With pensions, as with all investments, your capital is at risk
and the value of your pension with Penfold may go up as well as down.

You may get back less than you put in.